History of Harold Kepler Family of Webster City Ia

Objectives and Approach

The fund's objective is to reach long-term growth in value, investing in shares of companies on a global basis. The fund's approach is to be a long-term investor in its chosen stocks and it will not adopt short-term trading strategies. The fund aims to invest in businesses: • that can sustain a high return on operating capital employed; • whose advantages are difficult to replicate; • which do not crave significant borrowing to generate returns; • with a high degree of certainty of growth from reinvestment of their cash flows at high rates of render; • that are resilient to change, particularly technological innovation; • whose valuation is considered to be bonny; The fund will non invest in derivatives nor hedge any currency exposure. The fund will non borrow money, except in unusual circumstances. The fund does not track a particular benchmark

Primal Data

Inception 1st Nov 2010
Celebrated Yield 0.1800%
Sector IA Global
Fund Size £24442.930mn
Fund Type OEIC
Classification Accumulation


Total Ongoing Charges
Delight note that whilst nosotros try to testify all charges associated with specific funds, sometimes this is not possible due to the information not being made available by the fund provider. In such cases transaction or incidental cost information may be missing.
Initial Charge 0%
AMC 0.ninety%
Our Platform Accuse
We charge a platform fee starting at 0.35% for the first £250,000 of assets. Our charges for assets in a higher place £250,000 are shown on our rates and charges sheet

Price and Charges Information

This calculator provides yous with costs and charges information regarding our charges and, where relevant, the costs within this investment product

Business relationship Type

  • Investment Business relationship
  • Stocks & Shares ISA
  • SIPP

Almanac charges

These are the annual costs based on an initial investment corporeality of over 1 twelvemonth assuming a internet aught growth charge per unit

Price Category % of Investment lump sum costs
Our almanac fee

Our annual fee

Includes our platform fee at 0.35% per annum for Funds (up to £250,000) and Stocks & Shares (min £24 max £240), plus SIPP administration fee (if applicable, only charged if <£30,000 held) - see here
Dealing charges

Dealing charges

Whatsoever one-off commission charges associated with investing. Note that authorities taxes and levies are not included
Product provider costs

Product provider costs

Product provider costs shown are inclusive of the fund ongoing charges figure (OCF), transaction costs and incidental costs
Total (£)

Total (£)

Costs per annum displayed in monetary value
Full (%)

Total (%)

Costs per annum displayed as a percentage of investment value

Cumulative effect of charges on your investment'south return

This illustration assumes that costs occur evenly throughout the year, charges are paid out of the investment evenly throughout the year, and that an annual growth rate of applies evenly throughout the year, before whatever charges including production charges

lump sum invested with an assumed growth charge per unit of one year years
What yous might go dorsum at  with no charges applied

What y'all might get back at  with no charges practical

These are the illustrative values of a  investment subsequently growth and no costs applied at the end of the defined period
Annual charges

Almanac charges

These are the annual costs based on an initial investment amount of bold a net zip growth rate
Effect of charges on render (%)

Effect of charges on render (%)

These are the overall costs in percentage terms, based on an initial investment amount of assuming a growth rate
Effect of charges on return (£)

Result of charges on return (£)

These are the overall costs in budgetary value, based on an initial investment amount of assuming a growth rate
What y'all might get back at with charges applied

What you might go back at with charges applied

These are the illustrative values of a investment subsequently growth and costs at the end of the defined menstruation

This illustration is not a forecast of hereafter investment performance but merely a means to demonstrate the potential bear upon of costs and charges for an assumed render of . Whilst we brand reasonable endeavours to ensure the accurateness of third party charges information, this is intended for illustrative purposes just and should not be relied upon. We exercise not warrant or correspond that this information is accurate, complete or up to date, therefore nosotros accept no responsibility or liability for its use


  • Chart Options

    Select Timeframe
    • 1D
    • 1M
    • 3M
    • 6M
    • YTD
    • 1Y
    • 3Y
    • All Time

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    This fund's IA Sector (IA Global)
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    Search for Fund Comparator

      Add a FTSE Index

      Electric current Comparators
      • Cumulative Performance

        one month 3 months 6 months i year 3 years 5 years
        -four.04% -xi.18% -12.11% 6.84% 40.66% 79.88%

        Important Information
        Headline performance can mask the true characteristics of a fund. Without fully understanding how a fund is managed, you lot may inadvertently become exposed to an undesirable level of adventure to your capital. Some funds carry a dilution levy which reduces the number of units realised on any initial investment as an initial charge. If this fund carries such a levy it should be detailed in the Cardinal Investor Information Certificate (KIID), which we must provide and yous should read before investing.

        The charts and performance data shown are supplied by an external data provider and may contain data that appears to precede the introduction of the clean unit class for this fund. In such cases, historical data has been synthesised at the entire discretion of that external provider equally realistically as possible using historical data recorded against the previously available commission-paying version of the fund, adjusting for fees in the process.


      View Fund Resource allotment by:

      Important Documents

      The documents listed beneath are the latest versions made available to our information provider past the fund management grouping, simply may non necessarily reverberate the applicable charges that would be levied should you purchase this fund via Charles Stanley Straight. You should treat the charges and other figures shown in the 'Overview' tab as accurate.

      Fund Provider Factsheet
      The Fact Sheet is supplied on a monthly footing past the management group and provides limited data on the fund. Past performance data and a review of how the fund has performed are commonly featured. &nbsp;

      Key Investor Information Certificate This certificate, issued by the product provider, provides key information near an investment product. The information is required past law to assistance potential investors sympathize the nature, risks, costs, potential gains and losses of the product and enable comparing with other products.

      Annual Report A report published past the Fund Management Group detailing the progress of the fund during the course of the previous 12 months. The data provided includes a financial statement for the group as a whole.

      Almanac REPORT
      i,686,623 bytes PDF Document; final updated 31 December 2019

      Semi Annual Report Published periodically through the form of the financial year of the fund, the written report provides an overview of the fund's operation and the prospects for the remainder of the yr. Included are portfolio changes (i.due east. which stocks accept been bought and sold), and changes in the geographical breakdown during the form of the previous 12 months.

      ane,558,947 bytes PDF Document; last updated thirty Jun 2020

      Prospectus This is a formal certificate which contains details of the funds' objectives, investment strategies, risks, performance, distribution policy, fees and expenses and, fund management style.  A fund's prospectus must exist lodged with the Financial Acquit Authority (FCA) for authorisation.

      vii,479,350 bytes PDF Document; last updated 31 Jan 2020

      Management Team

      Terry Smith has managed this fund for 11 years and iv months.

      Terry Smith Terry Smith graduated in History from University Higher Cardiff in 1974. He worked for Barclays Bank from 1974-83 and became an Acquaintance of the Chartered Institute of Bankers in 1976. He obtained an MBA at The Management College, Henley in 1979. He became a stockbroker with W Greenwell & Co in 1984 and was the top-rated bank analyst in London from 1984-89. In 1990 he became head of UK Company Research at UBS Phillips & Drew, a position from which he was dismissed in 1992 following the publication of his all-time selling book Accounting for Growth. He joined Collins Stewart before long after, and became a managing director in 1996. In 2000 he became Principal Executive and led the management buy-out of Collins Stewart, which was floated on the London Stock Commutation five months later. In 2003 Collins Stewart acquired Tullett Freedom and followed this in 2004 with the acquisition of Prebon Group, creating the world'due south 2d largest inter-dealer broker. Collins Stewart and Tullett Prebon were demerged in 2006 with Terry remaining CEO of Tullett Prebon until September 2014. In 2010 he founded Fundsmith where he is CEO and CIO. In 2012 he was appointed a Member of the New Zealand Society of Merit for services to New Zealand-Uk relations following the success of his campaign to commemorate the New Zealander, Air Marshal Sir Keith Park.


      Source: https://www.charles-stanley-direct.co.uk/ViewFund?Sedol=B41YBW7

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