wow is there a way to check what dgs i need for artifact appearance

Battle for Azeroth pre-orders are officially live, and with them, players will notice they've been given a fresh level-110 grapheme boost. But with Legion being and so chock-full of content, there are probably a couple questions you'll have before boosting. Like, say, practise you become all Artifact weapons, or do you only go i of them?

Fear non! Below, we'll go into all the details about level-boosting a grapheme and then you're not left unprepared.

But first, if you haven't played World of Warcraft in a while or this is your first time boosting a character, there are a couple other things to know as well nearly level-boosting. We'll start with a general overview level-boosting, not tied specifically to Legion content.

Getting started

Boosting a character is pretty simple. Just log on and go to the character select screen, click the heave icon in the upper correct manus corner. You can either click on one of your existing characters to heave or create a brand new character to use. It should be noted that if you lot boost a level-100 trial grapheme as opposed to a brand-new, depression-level character, they'll be given a level iii garrison and a few extra bags. In essence, at that place's no reason not to heave a trial grapheme if you're planning to boost a fresh grapheme to 110. So we recommend taking an actress minute to make a new character manually: just click create new grapheme, pick your class, and and so select "grade trial" at the top of the screen. When yous're washed customizing your grapheme, click on the level boost icon and select them.

Do too note, yet, that the influx of boosts has caused a flake of a slowdown in how long information technology takes to boost a grapheme. Simply be patient!


If you heave a character who is level 60 or higher, y'all'll get a "Veteran Bonus" and take your professions and Starting time Aid skill boosted to 700 automatically. And if you don't take professions selected you'll automatically be given professions based on your principal armor type.

  • Plate wearers volition learn Blacksmithing and Mining.
  • Leather users will acquire Leatherworking and Skinning.
  • Clothies will larn Tailoring and Enchanting.

Unfortunately, trial characters are not eligible for the Veteran Bonus. Although, if you're looking to boost a Death Knight, a quick jaunt through the starter zone should get you to level 60 — and then you volition become the Veteran Bonus for boosting.

Heritage armor for Allied Races

If you've already unlocked one or more than Centrolineal Races and want to use the boost on ane, you lot'll demand to be enlightened that you won't get the Heritage Armor prepare for that race. What's Heritage Armor? It'south an appearance-just armor set that thematically matches with your race.

Heritage Armor tin only be earned past leveling an Allied Race from start to finish (20 to 110) — level-boosting or Recruit-a-Friend bonuses will make yous ineligible for the armor ready.

Legion-specific content

As for what a boost itself gets you in terms of Legion content…

  • An Antiquity with 35 Traits in it and three detail-level 870 Relics.
  • Four Embersilk Bags
  • A Kirin Tor Supply Bag with all of the post-obit inside it:
    • Mana Divining Stone to help you assemble Ancient Mana in Suramar.
    • Shimmering Ancient Mana Cluster to help you avoid having to assemble Ancient Mana in Suramar.
    • Ley-Enriched Water and Dalaran Rice Pudding in case you demand health or mana back while out in the globe.
    • Tome of the Tranquil Mind and so you can change talents outside of a chief city.
    • Ancient Healing Potion to give y'all feel selling on the auction house using consumables in combat.
    • Dalaran Hearthstone so you can consistently portal dorsum to Dalaran to do whatsoever Khadgar says.
    • 500 Gilt then yous can spend 500 gold.

Where to get, what to do

If this isn't your outset character at level 110, you probably know what to exercise next. If non, though, at that place are a couple places to go, depending on what your endgame goal is.

  • You'll start in Dalaran with the first quest towards unlocking Argus (more than on that in a minute). You either have to progress in that chain through Sizing upward the Opposition or expect 24 hours to be able to do anything else.
  • every class has an Order Hall campaign that tells a story unique to that class. Completing this is not merely neat for story, information technology ends with the conquering of your grade mountain. Simply get to your form hall and follow the quest markers to get started.
    • Wowhead has an excellent overview of the Class Halls — where to find them, what to do in them, etc.
  • In a similar vein, if you desire to effort out more than one spec for your course, be sure to unlock your other Antiquity weapons via your Class Order Hall, and, again, follow the quest markers.
  • If you lot want to experience the story content for Legion, head to your Class Guild Hall and select a zone to start in — with zone scaling, it doesn't matter where y'all offset. Your kickoff grade hall quests should walk you through this, just basically just head to your scouting table and pick a zone
    • While yous can go to them in whatsoever gild (though the game pushes you to start with Argus), later the four Legion leveling zones, the guild in terms of story is Suramar, then the Broken Shore, and finally Argus. Check your Gamble Guide for quests to get started.
      • To unlock Legion's leveling zones — Azsuna, Val'Sharah, Highmountain, and Stormheim — go to the scouting map in your grade hall and pick the zone you'd like to play through. You can go through them in any order you'd like.
      • To unlock Suramar, consummate Khadgar'southward Discovery.
      • To unlock the Broken Shore, complete The Broken Shore: Investigating the Legion. (If you've already unlocked the Broken Shore, y'all can just fly there and grab the outset quest.)
      • To unlock Argus, complete The Hand of Fate (A)/The Hand of Fate (H).
  • You can fly on the Broken Isles! But first, y'all'll need to complete two unlike achievements. Well, technically more than two, since each is a meta. If you've already completed these achievements, congratulations because you can fly immediately.

Legion has added so much content in its lifespan, and it's not even technically over. It tin can exist overwhelming, especially if yous're playing your very first level-110 character. Blizzard has added grab-up mechanics to brand things easier, but it'south also made it slightly more than disruptive to know what you can and can't do, and what you demand to do to practice what you want to practice.

Hopefully this has helped go you lot on your feet! If you have any questions — or communication — experience gratis to annotate below.


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