Funny Mexican Jokes Mexican Pick Up Lines
20 Cheesiest Spanish Pick-Up Lines That Work Every Time
Are you going out and feeling nervous about using pick-up lines in Spanish?
This is a tricky subject, so I get it.
Pick-up lines are "attention-grabbers" you say to a person you barely know or a complete stranger who's inspired your sense of romance. Most people find witty pick-up lines to be charming.
But beware! Your success depends on how you deliver them.
So, how do you deliver pick-up lines in Spanish?
With self-esteem and self-confidence, of course! Don't worry about making mistakes (you will make them, but it can roll off your sleeve with a bit of charm).
After you deliver your pick-up line and get the other person's attention, further express your interest in them by asking about who they are or what they like to do—and, most importantly, be yourself.
…Do you know how much a polar bear weighs?
Enough to break the ice.
Empower your flirting skills to break the ice with these examples of clean pick-up lines, and build your confidence skills by reading a quick guide near the end of the page!
Let's learn cheesy pick-up lines in Spanish!
Table of Contents:
- Cheesy Pick-up Lines in Spanish
- Corny Pick-up Lines in Spanish
- Funny Pick-up Lines in Spanish
- Flirty Pick-up Lines in Spanish For Texting
- Joke Pick-up Lines in Spanish
- Learn More About Pick-up Lines in Spanish!
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Cheesy Pick-up Lines in Spanish
Clean pick-up lines are best when learning a second language.
In Hispanic countries, it comes naturally for guys to say these pick-up lines in Spanish and seem charming, cute, or witty. As a girl, you will seem forward, authentic, and easygoing.
1. Quisiera ser joyero para poder apreciar un diamante como tú todos los días.
I'd like to be a jeweler so I can appreciate a diamond-like you every day.

2. ¿Hay un aeropuerto cerca? Porque siento que estoy despegando.
Is there an airport nearby? Because I feel like I'm taking off.
3. Debo estar muerta porque estoy viendo angelitos.
I must be dead because I'm seeing angels.

4. Napoleón con su espada conquistó una nación, pero tú con tu mirada conquistaste mi corazón.
Napoleon with his sword conquered a nation, but you with your gaze conquered my heart.
5. Los ángeles están celosos porque ahora sueño contigo.
The angels are jealous because now I dream of you.

Check this out: Cute Pet Names for Your Partner or Significant Other in Spanish
Corny Pick-up Lines in Spanish
6. ¿Dónde has estado toda mi vida?
Where have you been all my life?
7. Creo que tengo un problema con mis ojos, no puedo dejar de verte.
I think there's something wrong with my eyes, I can't stop looking at you.
Pause in the middle of this line to be dramatic if it's your thing. Probably your crush will be worried for a second there and laugh afterward. Make them blush!

8. Si fuera azafata, te llevaría en un avión, pero como no lo soy, te llevo en mi corazón.
If I were a flight attendant, I would take you on a plane, but since I'm not, I carry you in my heart.
This one makes no sense in English because it gets lost in translation. In Spanish, the pun involves using the same verb llevar, which can be interpreted as both "take" and "carry" in English.
9. Te quiero más que a mis ojos, más que a mis ojos te quiero. Pero quiero más a mis ojos porque mis ojos te vieron.
I love you more than my eyes, more than my eyes I love you. But I love my eyes more because my eyes saw you.
This one is effective, and beautiful. It is one of the most memorable songs of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema from the iconic movie Tizoc.

Hand-picked for you: How Do You Ask Someone Out in Spanish (A Tell-All Guide)
Funny Pick-up Lines in Spanish
There's a special charm about someone learning a new language and making an effort to communicate. Especially when it comes to flirting or coqueteando. So, you have that going for you!
10. Si la belleza fuera un crimen, yo te hubiera sentenciado a cadena perpetua.
If beauty were a crime, I would have sentenced you to life in prison.
11. No camines bajo el sol, con este calor los bombones se derriten.
Do not walk in the sun, chocolate melts in this heat.
In Spanish, people use bombón (marshmallow) or bizcocho (biscuit) as nicknames for their crushes while flirting. They translate to chocolate or cupcake depending on context.

12. Si te viera Cristóbal Colón, diría: ¡Santa María, pero qué Pinta tiene esa Niña!
If Christopher Columbus saw you, he would say: Holy Mary, what a great look that girl has!
The names of Christopher Columbus' ships—La Niña, La Pinta, and La Santa María—are turned into a pick-up line. The word pinta means "look" in some Hispanic countries.
13. Perdí mi número, ¿me das el tuyo?
I lost my number, can I have yours?
Catchy, but not so smooth. Many find it a cliché but others think it's a witty, immortal pun.

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Flirty Pick-up Lines in Spanish For Texting
Accompany these pick up lines in Spanish with a smile and a positive talk. It is a bit hard to flirt without smiles. Remember that and always have a good posture.
14. ¿Te llamas google? Porque tienes todo lo que busco.
Is your name google? Because you have everything I'm looking for.
15. Pasas tanto tiempo en mi mente que debería cobrarte la renta.
You spend so much time in my mind that I should charge you for rent.

16. ¿Vas a la luna seguido? Porque voy a amarte todos los días.
Do you go to the moon often? Because I'm going to love you every day.
This last original pick-up line in Spanish needs a little explaining. Voy a amarte translates to "I'm going to love you" but it can also sound like voy a Marte which means "I go to Mars."
More like this: 10 Original and Lovely Mexican Terms of Endearment
Joke Pick-up Lines in Spanish
17. Tus ojos son cafés, tus pestañas son negras. No pierdas la esperanza de que tu madre sea mi suegra.
Your eyes are brown, your eyelashes are black. Don't lose hope that your mother becomes my mother-in-law.
This phrase is awkward in English, but in Spanish, it's both funny and cheesy—and it rhymes! It's a joke about making your family part of ours as a way of flirting.

18. ¡Ahora resulta que las flores caminan!
Turns out that flowers walk!
19. Te voy a denunciar a la policía por robarme el corazón.
I will report you to the police for stealing my heart.

20. ¿De qué juguetería saliste, muñeca?
What toy store did you come from, doll?
In English, this pick-up line in Spanish sounds better when it's directed to a female. But you can use the masculine form, muñeco, as well.
See also: Phone Vocabulary: How to Make a Call in Spanish
Learn More About Pick-up Lines in Spanish!
When using pick-up lines in Spanish, it's ideal to double-check them with a native speaker since they can have different connotations according to the country your crush is from.
Learning Spanish is a wonderful idea. It's a romantic language with lots of room to be creative. Becoming bilingual is also a career booster and a way to travel easier, but the most important benefit has to be it helps you connect with more people—580 million worldwide to be exact and 41 million in the U.S.
Get in touch with us at Homeschool Spanish Academy to tailor a package that works for you. Learn to land these pick-up lines in Spanish—and so much more. Prepare for your date by signing up for a free trial class today with our certified native Spanish speakers from Guatemala.

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